I. Set Your Sales Goal
A. |
How much profit does your group need? |
1. |
What are the proceeds to be used for? |
2. |
Will one sale be enough to meet your goal? |
B. |
How many boxes of citrus or cases of pecans will it take to reach your goal? |
1. |
Our quality structured prices mean the more you sell, the less each unit costs you. |
II. Set Your Dates
A. |
What date will you want delivery? |
1. |
This should be a group decision. |
2. |
This is the most important date to give River Royal and we will need two week's notice. |
B. |
What date do you want to start your sale? |
1. |
Consider holding your sale in conjunction with special events or holidays. |
2. |
Assess your competition. |
C. |
What date will you end your sale? |
1. |
The best sales are usually held for two or three weeks. |
D. |
What date will the customer get his or her order? |
1. |
It is best to leave a day between delivery and order filling. |
2. |
A central point can be used for the customer to pick up his or her order. |
3. |
You can give them a date you will deliver. |
III. Call River Royal For Your Free Promotional Materials
A. |
What are the specifics of your group? |
1. |
Tell us how many sales members you have. |
2. |
Tell us what your sales goal will be. |
3. |
Tell us the name, address, and phone number of the person in charge. |
B. |
What is your expected delivery date for the products? |
1. |
We will reserve this date for you on our shipping calendar. |
IV. Organize Your Campaign
A. |
Who will be the managers of your sale? |
1. |
CHAIRMAN has overall responsibility of organizing sale. |
2. |
SALES DIRECTOR has to manage and coordinate sales efforts. |
3. |
PUBLICITY DIRECTOR has to set up ads and generally spread the word when the sale will be in progress. |
4. |
TREASURER is in charge of all the money paid out or received. |
5. |
DISTRIBUTION MANAGER makes sure everything ordered is received and delivered to customers. |
B. |
Who will make up your teams? |
1. |
Have a captain for each team. |
2. |
Team members will report to captain. |
3. |
Captain reports to sales director. |
C. |
Do you have all the necessary sales materials? |
1. |
Collection envelopes. |
2. |
Order forms with pictures of the products. |
3. |
Posters. |
4. |
Tally sheets. |
5. |
Detailed set of instructions. |
D. |
Are your sales areas and advertising organized? |
1. |
Define the sales areas of the community for each team. |
2. |
Give special attention to professional groups such as lawyers, doctors, and brokers who give gifts to clients. |
3. |
Get as much free media coverage as possible announcing your sale and your service to the community. |
V. Your Sales Process
A. |
Kick-off date of your sale. |
1. |
All publicity efforts should center around this date. |
2. |
Stage a pep rally aimed at achieving your goal. |
B. |
Day-to-day canvass. |
1. |
Determine the average sales per day for each member to attain. |
2. |
Take orders using order forms and product pictures. |
3. |
Let the customer know when to expect delivery. |
C. |
Progress meetings. |
1. |
Collect orders and money. |
2. |
Discuss progress towards goals. |
D. |
Ending the sale. |
1. |
Take final orders. |
2. |
Tally each salesperson's orders. |
3. |
Count total number of each product sold. |
4. |
Decide whether you can prepay to receive a 2% discount. |
VI. Call In Your Order
A. |
Give River Royal two week's notice before delivery date. |
B. |
Give total order for each product. |
C. |
Verify delivery date. |
1. |
Give expected date. |
2. |
Give delivery location. |
3. |
Give two phone numbers - day and night. |
VII. Receive Your Delivery and Distribute Products
A. |
Delivery of Citrus is made by refrigerated truck and pecans by United Parcel Service. |
1. |
Citrus truck will call 24 hours prior to delivery. |
2. |
Unload citrus upon arrival and verify against order. |
3. |
Pecans will be shipped to arrive on your delivery day. |
B. |
Take order forms and fill product orders by teams. |
1. |
Distribution manager delivers to team captains who delivers to teams. |
C. |
Delivery point distribution. |
1. |
Extra sales can be made when using a pick up point. |
2. |
Have customers come by on specified date to pick up orders. |
3. |
Deliver orders not picked up. |
D. |
Get cash on pick up or delivery order. |
1. |
Customer receives order only after money is collected. |
VII. Rounding-Up Your Sale
A. |
Make sure all orders were delivered. |
1. |
Check tally sheets. |
2. |
Check with members. |
B. |
Take care of any product problems. |
1. |
All products are unconditionally guaranteed. |
2. |
With citrus, we add 2% to your total order at no extra charge. |
C. |
Pay River Royal. |
1. |
Deduct any losses that are our responsibility. |
2. |
Issue only one check. |
D. |
Appropriate the profits to your goal. |
1. |
IX. Plan For Your Next Sale
A. |
Have a second sale using your customer list from the first sale. |
© Copyright - River Royal Fund Raising
P.0. Box 547 - Donna, Texas 78537 - 1-800-543-0788